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Meeting of the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities


The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Głowacki, took part in the 33rd meeting of the Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA).

Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities

During the meeting, heads of the bodies regulating radiation protection from 32 European countries discussed, among others, the issue of formalizing meetings and the HERCA strategy.

A permanent point of the meeting was a discussion of current activities and plans of individual HERCA working groups in the areas of:

  • responding to radiation emergencies,
  • veterinary and medical applications of ionizing radiation,
  • natural radioactive sources,
  • industrial and scientific applications of ionizing radiation,
  • education and training in radiation protection.

The meeting was held on May 22 and 23 in Madrid.