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Memorandum of Understanding with the Dutch nuclear regulator


On November 7, at the PAA’s headquarters, a meeting was held between the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Głowacki, and the Head of the Dutch nuclear regulatory authority, Annemiek van Bolhuis, during which a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between both institutions.

The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Głowacki, and the head of the Dutch nuclear regulatory agency, Annemiek van Bolhuis, sign cooperation agreements between both institutions.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) and the Dutch nuclear regulator ANVS (The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection) opens the possibility of exchanging information on best practices in the field of supervision of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes between the regulators. It assumes joint activities in the organization of technical meetings, training and exchange of documentation necessary to prepare the nuclear regulatory authority for activities related to the licensing process of new nuclear technologies. There is a growing interest in the use of new nuclear technologies in Poland and the Netherlands, causing increased challenges for national institutions overseeing their safe use..

This is the second Polish-Dutch meeting this year. Earlier, the Polish delegation met the ANVS delegation during this year's General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.