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New PAA partner in regulatory matters


The PAA initiated co-operation with another foreign partner, which is the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA). The Memorandum of Understanding on nuclear safety and radiation protection was signed in Ljubljana during the Polish visit to Slovenia.

New PAA partner in regulatory matters

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Polish and Slovenian regulators was signed by the PAA President, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz and SNSA Director, Igor Sirc. The document provides for e.g. exchange and training of each of the regulators’ staff and support in implementing nuclear safety and radiation protection tasks, including the licensing and supervision of nuclear power plants (NPP).

The MoU was signed on 24 May at the SNSA headquarters in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. A day earlier, the Polish delegation visited the Slovenian NPP at Krško. The meeting of the regulators was an excellent opportunity to discuss the Polish Nuclear Power Programme, which envisages the construction of the first NPP in Poland. Also Slovenia wants to build a new nuclear unit.

The very first meeting of the PAA and SNSA was held online in December last year. Having established a new relationship, the PAA now has a new partner with extensive experience in nuclear power. SNSA is a nuclear regulatory authority, which supervises the NPP Krško of 688 MW net capacity, in operation since 1981.