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No radiation risk after the damage to the Zaporizhzhya NPP


Following another shelling episode of the Zaporizhzhya NPP there is no radiation risk – the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) confirmed to the PAA.

PAA communication

Following another shelling episode of the ZNPP, the pipes of the heat removal system outside the containment vessel (ZNPP site’s spray cooling ponds) were damaged. The repairs are underway. There is no radiation risk and the event has no impact on nuclear safety – the SNRIU adds.

According to the Ukrainian regulator, all ZNPP reactors are in cold shutdown. This means that reactors are generating far less heat (post-shutdown heat) compared to the conditions in normal operation. In consequence, the systems responsible for post-shutdown heat removal do not have to work at maximum capacity.

The radiation situation in Poland is within normal range

Currently, in Poland, there is no radiation risk to human health and life and the environment. PAA continuously monitors the radiation situation in Poland – the most recent measurements are within normal range. The current data from the PMS are available at the PAA website at:

No need to take stable iodine

In the situation of no radiation risk, the PAA warns that it is harmful to take stable iodine preparations without any indication, including Lugol’s iodine solution. PAA points out that no such action should be taken on one’s own account as it may damage human health. Stable iodine preparation administered unnecessarily may adversely affect our health and damage e.g. the thyroid gland, causing hyperthyroidism. In some patients, including those with circulatory disorders, this may trigger a threat to health and life.