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Nuclear safety in the European Union


Representatives of the national nuclear regulatory authorities of EU Member States met in Brussels on April 24 to discuss further cooperation on nuclear safety. At the meeting of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG), Poland was represented by the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Głowacki.

Nuclear safety in the European Union

Participants in the meeting discussed Topical Peer Reviews (TPR) of nuclear facilities located in the European Union, the current state of nuclear safety in Ukraine, and the partnership for small modular reactors. In addition, the meeting topics included plans for the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) and ARTEMIS missions, as well as the group's work schedule for 2024-2026.

The main objective of the TPR assessment is to strengthen nuclear safety and radiological protection of nuclear facilities. As part of the TPR assessment, each country carries out a self-assessment in accordance with the guidelines of ENSREG and the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA). On the basis of the assessment, national reports are prepared, which are then reviewed by experts from the European Union’s countries.

The IRRS and ARTEMIS missions consist of analyzing and comparing the legal, technical and organizational solutions applied in a country with the relevant International Atomic Energy Agency’s standards. The results of the conducted review are used to identify areas requiring further strengthening of the national nuclear safety and radiological protection system. This year the IRRS mission will also take place in Poland.

ENSREG engages in the cooperation on nuclear safety among representatives of the nuclear regulatory authorities of EU Member States. The group's work concentrate on the exchange of experience in nuclear safety, with regard to nuclear power plants and facilities, licensing, spent fuel and radioactive waste management, as well as communication with the public.