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Nuclear safety in Ukraine and Iran are at the heart of the session of the IAEA Board of Governors


The members of the IAEA BoG are discussing the safety issues during the regular session at the headquarters in Vienna. The PAA President, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, and the Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Vienna, Ambassador Dominika Krois, represented Poland during the first day of the session.

Dr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, President of the National Atomic Energy Agency and Ambassador Dominika Krois, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations Office in Vienna at a meeting of the Board of Governors

The BoG session was held from 6th to 10th June in the Austrian capital, Vienna. The session was opened by the IAEA Director General. In addressing the opening session, M. Grossi pointed to the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Rafael M. Grossi reiterated the need to organise an expert mission to the Zaporizhzhya NPP. The power plant has been controlled by the Russian troops since 4th March but it is the Ukrainian staff that are working at the plant.

The BoG members are also consulting the issues of Iran’s nuclear programme. According to the IAEA Director, Iran has not yet provided any satisfactory explanations about the traces of enriched uranium found at three sites monitored by the IAEA, which Teheran had not declared as having hosted nuclear activities.

During the meeting, the use of nuclear materials under safeguards in the operations of submarines and the technical co-operation with the IAEA in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection are also being debated on.

New Members of the IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is a professional, autonomous international organization within the UN system. The Agency co-ordinates the activities related to the peaceful use of nuclear power worldwide. It seeks to promote the use of nuclear technologies, work out uniform nuclear safety and radiation protection standards and implement tasks as part of the global non-proliferation nuclear programme regime. Poland is a founding member of the IAEA. The Agency was established in 1975. Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Tonga have now joined the IAEA, thereby increasing the number of members to 175.

The Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has 35 member states. Besides the General Conference, the Board is one of the two bodies of the IAEA responsible for its lines for actions. The Board analyses and presents the recommendations on the financial statements, programme roles and responsibilities, and the IAEA budget to the General Conference. It processes the applications for membership, approves safety standards and safeguards agreements.

Poland is a member of the Board for the term of 2020 to 2022. Through participation in the work of the Board, Poland has direct impact on the operation of the IAEA.