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Overview of nuclear installations - international experts on a technical visit to MARIA


European fire protection experts at the MARIA research reactor. The visit was organized as part of the second European Topical Peer Review of nuclear facilities.

International experts on a technical visit to MARIA

The technical visit of four foreign experts to the MARIA research reactor, located at the National Center for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk, is a continuation of activities as part of the second Topical Peer Review of nuclear facilities. Fire protection specialists checked the reactor's safety systems on site on Tuesday, May 21.

Poland is one of the countries directly subject to the review. This time, inspectors examined installations responsible for fire protection. In the first stage, the countries enrolled in the TPR carried out a self-assessment of nuclear installations. Based on this assessment, national reports (NAR, National Assessment Report) were developed - in accordance with the guidelines of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA). Currently, the documents are being analyzed by experts from European Union countries. Technical visits to selected facilities are also part of the assessment. Once these country visits have been completed and country reports have been evaluated, recommendations and corrective programs will be formulated.

In the next stage of the review, the achieved effects will be verified. In the final phase, conclusions will be developed, on the basis of which a final report will be formulated and agreed upon. The main assumption of the TPR is that the evaluations and recommendations for individual facilities can be used to improve the overall state of nuclear safety and radiation protection.

The European Topical Peer Review (TPR) aims at improving nuclear safety and radiation protection in Europe. European Union Member States are required to review TPRs every six years. Four non-EU countries also joined the current edition: Switzerland, Great Britain, Ukraine and  Turkey.

All National Assessment Reports of Member States are available on the ENSREG website: and other countries participating in the review: https://www.ensreg .eu/country-specific-reports/other-countries-tpr2.