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PAA and UDT are strengthening co-operation


The key Polish institutions in charge of nuclear safety have signed an agreement. The National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) and the Office of Technical Supervision (UDT) will be working together even closer.

PAA and UDT are strengthening co-operation

– PAA is a Polish nuclear regulatory authority which for the past 40 years has been working for the nuclear safety of Poland. We are one of the key institutions in the Polish Nuclear Power Programme. PAA will be supervising the construction of NPP in Poland. Since we have a very important task in front of us, we reinforce our capacity through training with foreign partners. We also co-operate with national institutions which participate in the Polish Nuclear Power Programme. The Office of Technical Supervision (UDT) is our key partner – said Dr  Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, PAA President.

– UDT has unique competence and experience in inspecting technical equipment at the power plants that form critical infrastructure. Currently, we are preparing internal procedures for technical supervision in NPPs. The co-operation with PAA is essential since the expertise and experience of our institutions are indispensable for the success of the nuclear project in Poland – said Dr Eng. Andrzej Ziółkowski, UDT President.

The agreement signed by PAA President, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, and UDT President, Dr Eng. Andrzej Ziółkowski, provides for among others:

  • Joint enhancement of staff qualifications in inspecting nuclear power plants;
  • Supporting initiatives for the improvement of safety of operation of equipment undergoing technical supervision, operating under exposure to ionising radiation;
  • Disseminating relevant new technical solutions and technologies.

One of the examples of co-operation between the institutions is joint on-the-job training (OJT) abroad, attended by both PAA and UDT staff. The purpose of OJT is to reinforce human resources i.e. experts and inspectors who will be supervising the construction and operation of the NPP in Poland.