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PAA and US NRC exchange of experiences on the effective management of the assessment of documentation for a license to build a nuclear facility


From 20 to 22 April 2021, the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) together with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (US NRC) conducted a virtual workshop on the effective management of the assessment of documentation for a license to build a nuclear facility.


The opening of the workshop was attended by Dr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz, President of PAA, and Christopher T. Hanson, Chairman of the US NRC. Both sides confirmed their continued commitment to the exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of nuclear safety oversight and control.

The aim of the workshop was to present and discuss in detail the US experience in the process of managing the assessment of technical documentation attached to license applications for nuclear power plants built in the USA. US NRC has demonstrated the practical use of software to support effective documentation management, project management and communication with the applicant and the public at various stages of licensing of nuclear power plants. US NRC presented its approach to the licensing process of both large reactor projects (generation III and III +), as well as currently licensed small modular SMR type reactors.

PAA regularly collaborates with the US NRC on nuclear safety know-how.