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PAA at the meeting of the Western European Association of Nuclear Regulators


Thirty countries - members and observers attended the annual plenary meeting of the Western European Association of Nuclear Regulators (WENRA), which took place on October 14 and 15 in Paris. Poland was represented by the Vice President of National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA), Mr. Andrzej Glowacki.


During this year's annual meeting representatives of nuclear regulators discussed and assessed current and future tasks of the Association. The participants exchanged experiences between individual nuclear regulatory offices. Furthermore, the delegates summarized tasks implemented by the of the working Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WERNA) working groups, and  took part in a panel discussion devoted to small modular reactors (SMR). Due to the epidemic situation, the meeting was held virtually.

The activities of the Association in 2021

This year WENRA has prepared the fire safety technical specification for assessment of nuclear facilities to be evaluated during the next European Topical Peer Review in 2023. Furthermore WERNA member states and observers started the assessment of compliance of national requirements in the field of nuclear safety, including the reference levels for research reactors established in December last year.

In 2021 WENRA published the WENRA Report on Safety Reference Levels for Existing Reactors 2020, which contains updated data, including that in the field of aging management in nuclear facilities, leadership and management for safety.

Western European Association of Nuclear Regulators

The WENRA Association brings together the heads of nuclear regulatory offices of the European Union, Switzerland and Great Britain that have nuclear power plants. Poland has observer status in the Association. WENRA has been operating since 1999. The aim of the Association's activities is to standardize the requirements and practices in the field of location, design, construction, operation of nuclear power plants and their decommissioning. The association also deals with procedures related to the storage and disposal of radioactive waste. WENRA is developing 'benchmarks' in the field of nuclear safety, the so-called SRL (Safety Reference Levels). There are permanent working groups within the Association:

  • Working Group on Waste and Decommissioning - WGWD
  • Reactor Harmonization Working Group - RHWG
  • Working Group on Research Reactors  - WGRR.

The National Atomic Energy Agency participates in the work of all the above-mentioned groups.