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PAA conducts a preliminary regulatory dialogue with Synthos Green Energy S.A.


Regulatory dialogue is an implementation of a good international practice to streamline the regulatory process. The dialogue will ease the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) to make a safety assessment of the planned nuclear installations.

Tabliczka PAA siedziba

To this date, the National Atomic Energy Agency has not received an application for a general opinion from any entity planning to build a nuclear facility in Poland.

The document submitted to PAA contains a specific table of organizational and technical topics and issues of the future application, but it is not the application itself. Synthos Green Energy S.A. has also submitted a list of documents to be submitted in the form of an official request for an opinion.

At the moment, the submitted document does not initiate the procedure under Article 39b of the Atomic Law to obtain a general opinion. Nevertheless, it can be considered as a preliminary stage in the regulatory dialogue between the authority and prospective license applicant.

What is a general opinion?

PAA President's general opinion is issued on the basis of Article 39b of the Atomic Law and may concern any aspect of a nuclear facility related to nuclear safety and radiological protection of a nuclear facility. The Act of Atomic Law does not determine the scope of the general opinion.