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PAA experts attended the Conference of Radiological Protection Inspectors


On April 9-10, 2022, the Conference of Radiological Protection Inspectors was held in Poznań

On 9th and10th April 2022, in Poznań, a Conference of Radiation Protection Inspectors was held. The meeting was arranged by the Association of Radiological Protection Inspectors (SIOR).

The PAA experts attended the conference dedicated to “The New Development Trends in Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection in Poland”. The conference was opened by the President of the PAA, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz.

Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz discussed the challenges of the Polish Nuclear Energy Programme for the PAA.

In addition, the conference featured topics involving the practical aspects of radiological protection concerning e.g. law provisions, quality assurance in radiotherapy and diagnostic radiology, the activities of the calibration laboratory run for the radiological protection purposes, radiological exposure in mines, safety of nuclear energy, and legal regulations governing the exposure to radon in the vicinity of humans.


The conference was held under the auspices of the PAA President.