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PAA experts participated in the Academy of Nuclear Oncology


On April 15-16, 2021, another conference "Academy of Nuclear Oncology" was held, organized by the National Institute of Oncology. Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie - National Research Institute. The event was opened by the PAA President Dr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz.

PAA i Akademia Onkologii

The event was of an interdisciplinary nature. As part of the Academy, specialists from various fields met, and the lectures were devoted, among others, to diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. For the second time, an Expert Session of the National Atomic Energy Agency was held at the Academy.
The PAA nuclear regulatory inspectors, Katarzyna Szczygłów, Agnieszka Jaworska-Sobczak, Kamila Greczyło, Urszula Kołodziej and Edward Raban, talked about the issues related to workers exposed to ionizing radiation, including external workers, and the latest amendments to the regulations implementing the Act - Atomic Law.

The "Academy of Nuclear Oncology" was held under the patronage of the PAA President.