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PAA's cooperation with foreign nuclear regulatory authorities


The PAA delegation headed by President Andrzej Głowacki took part in the Regulatory Cooperation Forum in Vienna. The key topic at the Forum was training support for the PAA by nuclear regulators of countries with advanced nuclear programs.

The PAA delegation headed by President Andrzej Głowacki took part in the Regulatory Cooperation Forum in Vienna

Poland, as a country that actively uses the support of the Regulatory Cooperation Forum, presented during the meeting proposals for activities to be implemented bilaterally with RCF countries providing support (Finland, France, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Pakistan, the United States and the United Kingdom Britain). The activities planned to be implemented include mainly:

  • internships for the PAA’s analysts and inspectors in foreign nuclear regulatory offices and on sites of nuclear power plants,
  • study visits,
  • specialized workshops for PAA’s employees.

Cooperation within the RCF, in addition to cooperation concerning traditional nuclear power plants, is now also being extended to small modular reactors (SMR).

The National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland is a founding member and a member of the RCF Steering Committee since 2014. Within the framework of the RCF, the PAA implements bilateral cooperation programs aimed at development of PAA’s employees competences and strengthening the Agency's readiness to perform nuclear regulatory tasks as part of licensing and supervision over the construction of nuclear power plants in Poland.