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Participation of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency in the Conference of the Association of Radiological Protection Inspectors


A delegation of the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA), led by President Andrzej Głowacki, took part in the periodic conference of the Association of Radiological Protection Inspectors (SIOR). This year's conference was devoted to current issues in the field of environmental dosimetry and radiotherapy in the context of the growing role of Radiation Protection Officers. The event took place on May 9-10 in Opole.

Andrzej Głowacki, President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Maria Kubicka, President of the Association of Radiological Protection Inspectors during the SIOR Conference

The event was held under the patronage of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA). Due to the renaissance of nuclear energy in our country, much attention has been paid to the radiation safety of nuclear reactors. As a reminder, the PAA's task will be to verify and confirm the operator’s compliance with the nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements in the nuclear facility construction design. For this purpose, PAA will evaluate the submitted documentation and perform the necessary safety analyses. The President of the PAA and nuclear regulatory officers will also conduct inspections at the nuclear facility during its construction, commissioning and operation.

Employees of the PAA also discussed the issues of  the qualifications of a radiation protection officers and dose constraints for the population and employees as defined in the Act of November 29, 2000 - Atomic Law.