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Polish-Finnish regulatory co-operation. PAA visit to STUK


The heads of Polish and Finnish nuclear regulatory authorities discussed the plans for future regulatory co-operation during the PAA visit to Finland. The PAA experts also visited the newly commissioned Unit 3 at Olkiluoto.

Polish-Finnish regulatory co-operation

The visit of the Polish delegation headed by PAA President Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz is the continuation of the co-operation with STUK, the Finnish Radiation Nuclear Safety Authority, since 2017 and also the preparation of the PAA to implement the Polish Nuclear Power Programme. The PAA’s primary task in the programme is the supervision of the construction of the NPP. Regulatory inspectors will be checking if the project and the subsequent operation of the NPP are running in conformity with safety standards. PAA also plays a key role in the licensing of NPP. It is the PAA President, after the verification of the required documents, that delivers a decision to license the NPP.

The talks focused on the enhancement of the co-operation with Finnish experts experienced in the regulatory supervision and control of large nuclear reactors. International workshops and training for Polish experts in e.g. licensing such facilities, are planned.

PAA experts also visited the spent fuel repository at Onkalo and the NPP at Olkiluoto, where a new EPR (European Pressure Reactor) was commissioned in March this year. STUK also demonstrated SONNI – a mobile laboratory vehicle equipped with state-of-the-art platform for sampling, measurement and analysis of radioactive substances.

About STUK

STUK is a government agency tasked with nuclear safety and radiation monitoring. Established in 1958, STUK is in charge of regulatory control over the safety of ionizing radiation sources. The regulator is also an important link in the licensing of nuclear facilities– in Finland – the license is granted by the government but STUK issues a safety document and has a right of veto. It may also interrupt the operation of the NPP for safety reasons.

Finland has two nuclear power plants, Loviisa and Olkiluoto, with 5 operating reactors.