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Polish-German talks on nuclear safety and radiation protection


Information exchange, safety cooperation, Poland's nuclear power plant construction program were the main topics of talks between the National Atomic Energy Agency and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. The meeting was held on June 22, 2023, at the head office of the PAA in Warsaw.

Polish-German talks on nuclear safety and radiation protection. The meeting was held on June 22, 2023, at the head office of the PAA in Warsaw.

The Polish delegation was led by the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Glowacki. The German delegation was headed by Thomas Elsner, Deputy Director General of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

During the meeting, experiences were exchanged on nuclear power issues in connection with the development of the nuclear program in Poland. The main topic of discussion was nuclear safety – the President of the Agency presented the PAA's preparations for the licensing and regulatory oversight process for the first nuclear power plant in Poland. During the meeting, participants also discussed possible areas for expanding further cooperation. Both sides stressed the importance of returning to cyclic meetings realized on the basis of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on early notification of a nuclear accident, exchange of information and experience, and cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection. The agreement was signed in Warsaw on July 30, 2009.


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