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President of the National Atomic Energy Agency participated in the 65th IAEA General Conference


This year’s 65th International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference allowed the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) to exchange views on the issues of nuclear safety with many counterparts. The Polish delegation at the Conference was led by the Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland, Mr. Michal Kurtyka. The President of the PAA, Dr. Lukasz Mlynarkiewicz, who visited Vienna from September 20 to 21 acted as the deputy head of the Polish delegation.

President of the National Atomic Energy Agency participated in the 65th IAEA General Conference

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the number of participants in this year’s General Conference was limited, and many participated in virtual and hybrid forms.

Polish Delegation on the General Conference

During the conference plenary session, the Polish delegation listened to the pre-recorded message of Minister Kurtyka. In his speech, the Minister underlined the active Polish participation in international cooperation, centered around the objective of nuclear safety. Mr Kurtyka invited Integrated Regulatory Review Services international mission to visit Poland for the second time in 2023.

All of the official national statements deliver during this year’s plenary session are available on the IAEA GC webpage

During the 65th General Conference the PAA delegates conducted consultations with their foreign counterparts in the area of straightening nuclear safety in the global context: 

  • delegation of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, led by the Chairman Mr. Christopher T. Hanson;
  • delegation of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, led by the President, Ms. Rumina Velshi;
  • delegation of the Finish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK, led by the Director-General Mr. Petteri Tiippana;
  • delegation of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD SR), Chairperson Ms. Marta Ziakova;
  • delegation of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), led by the Director-General Mr. William D. Magwood, IV.

This year’s conference included several sideline expert panel discussions, including the Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plans – INSSP. INSSP, first implemented in 2006, has been adopted by 112 states. Poland adopted its INSSP at the end of 2020. Among the experts participating in the above panel was the Vice President of the PAA, Mr. Andrzej Glowacki.

IAEA General Conference

During the weeklong event, the representatives of the IAEA member states discuss issues related to the peaceful use of atomic energy, including an area of nuclear safety and radiological protection. This year 65th session will take place until September 24.

Every year the General Conference bridge the high-level delegations of over 170 states of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. It allows to summarize the actions implemented during past 12 months, and to determine the goals to be undertaken in the year to come.