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The publisher accepts works on nuclear safety and radiological protection, including:

•  energy,

•  architecture, civil and environmental engineering,

•  mechanical and material engineering,

•  IT and technical informatics,

•  automation and electronics,

•  physics, including nuclear, medical and biophysics,

•  chemistry, including nuclear chemistry and isotope chemistry,

•  geology,

• medicine and health sciences,

• legal sciences,

• security science, including national security,

• psychology and sociology,

• sciences on administration and social communication.


The text of the work should present the current state of knowledge on the subject and the latest data. The work should be divided into smaller logical editorial fragments, with subheadings. The length of the text should be at least 8 typescript pages, including an abstract and a bibliography. The work cannot be previously published or submitted for publication in another journal. The publisher reserves the right not to accept the work for publication, make shortcuts, introduce stylistic and editorial corrections and change the title of the work. Authors are obliged to cooperate with the Publisher in the entire process of preparing a work for publication, including timely proofreading.


Send a copy of the work, along with the completed application form, full set of illustrations, and statements (see below) to:

Bulletin 'Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection'

National Atomic Energy Agency

ul. Nowy Świat 6/12,

00-400 Warsaw, Poland


We encourage you to send the work by e-mail to the above-mentioned e-mail address.

Alternatively, a single PDF file or a single MS Word file can be sent for review.

The finally approved work should be a text file in MS Word and separate files for drawings.


Each work should be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published in another journal and that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.


By submitting a work to the Publisher, the Authors grant the Publisher the 'Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection' bulletin a free, non-exclusive, indefinite license to use the work with the right to sub-license it.

It is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources. Documentation of such consent should be submitted along with the text.


1. The text should be written in Times or Times New Roman (12 point) Microsoft Word format.

2. The text must be written in single spaces (Line spacing 1).

3. Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the work.

4. To distinguish text fragments, use bold bold, highlighting quotes and titles - italics,

5. Complex formatting should be avoided.

6. Avoid abbreviations. If abbreviations are used, they should be explained the first time they appear.

7.  Do not use references to the text in the abstract.

The work should contain the following elements:


The first page of the work should contain the title (in Polish and English), first and last names of all Authors, with the corresponding Author, (name, surname), institutional links, e-mail address of the relevant Author, city, state and country in which the work it has been done.

The title must be concise, clear and understandable. It is advisable to use sentences of simple construction, without abbreviations.


The work should be provided with a summary of no more than 250 words in Polish and English, and up to six keywords necessary for coding and indexing the work - also in Polish and English.


The content of the work should contain an introductory part informing about the basics of conducting research and subsequent parts separated by subheadings (although there is a possibility of deviation from such a division if it is justified by the content of the work), summary, conclusions.


References should be numbered according to the order in which they are cited in the text. The bibliography to which the author refers should be compiled at the end of the work in accordance with the APA Citation Style format, i.e .:

• journals - surname (s) and initials of the names of the author (s), title of the work, name of the journal,

volume, number, year of publication, page numbers;

• books - author's name (s) and initials, book title, volume, publisher, place

edition, year of publication;

• standards - standard number, year of issue, title;

• www - the exact address of the website to which the author (s) refers and the date of access.


People who were directly helpful in the implementation of the submitted work should be listed in a short statement on a separate page immediately after the text.


All figures and tables must be cited in the text.


Above each table there should be a short descriptive title with a clear legend and appropriately referenced footnotes below. All units must be included.


Drawings and photos:

  •  should be fully marked and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals corresponding to drawings and photographs
  • should have captions under drawings and photographs in Polish and English
  • if the work is accompanied by photographs of people, they must be either unidentifiable or must be accompanied by a written permission to use it
  • should have the source specified
  • should appear in the appropriate places in the text


The photos should be sent as separate digital files (TIFF, JPG, EPS, PSD or CDR format).

Figures and tables should also be sent additionally in a separate editable file file. Figures and tables should be legible, have an appropriate contrast and should be sharp. Symbols, letters, arrows and numbers must be of sufficient size and contrast to be clearly recognizable when the drawing, table and photograph are reduced to the size of the publication.


Color graphics will be reproduced in color in the Internet publication at no additional cost to the Author. A limited number of full color illustrations in the printed version will be considered.


All nomenclature should be consistent, clear, unambiguous and in line with the rules laid down for the department. Authors should, as far as possible, follow the nomenclature, symbols and abbreviations established for physics, chemistry by IUPAP and IUPAC.


All works will be subject to a confidential peer review / verification by two experts in the field. On the basis of the reviewers' opinions, the papers will be accepted unconditionally, accepted subject to revision or rejected.


An article submission includes two files:

1. the text of the article

2. the text of the article is anonymised

In order to be able to perform a double-blind review, all data of authors and reviewers, or other elements that may help to identify them, must be absolutely removed from the submitted files.


By submitting his work to the Publisher of the newsletter, the Author warrants that it is his original work and that he has obtained the necessary written consent / permission from the relevant copyright owner or authority to reproduce any textual illustration or other material.

If it turns out that any of the works submitted / sent to the Publisher of the newsletter violates any of these conditions, the Publisher reserves the right to reject this work and any other works submitted by the same Authors, and may contact institutions related to the Authors to inform them about these / your arrangements.

In addition, the Author will take over all claims that will be brought against the Publisher by third parties for infringement of their copyright.



