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The 13th Meeting of the „European MELCOR and MACCS User Group“ – EMUG 2022.


Melcor Code Development

The 13th Meeting of the „European MELCOR and MACCS User Group“ – EMUG 2022 organized by the Polish National Atomic Energy Agency together with the Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering and with special support of USNRC, SNL and PSI as a virtual meeting only in support of the Cooperative Severe Accident Research Programme (CSARP) will be held  27th –29th April 2022. Participation is open to experts of the European organizations actively using the MELCOR or MACCS code in any of its versions. However, the EMUG meeting is open by invitation only to European CSARP members. Also note that in order to attend either of the code user workshops you need to be an authorized user of that specific computer code. Please fill out the Registration_EMUG_2022. Other details are included in the 1st-Call_EMUG_2022_draft.


Registration​_EMUG​_2022.docx 0.03MB
1st-Call EMUG 2022
1st-Call​_EMUG​_2022.pdf 0.24MB