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The first meeting of the PAA with the Slovenian nuclear regulatory authority


On December 2, representatives of the National Atomic Energy Agency met with representatives of the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA). The meeting was chaired by the PAA President Dr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz and SNSA Director Igor Sirc.

Print screen of the Zoom meeting - members of the first meeting of the PAA with the Slovenian nuclear regulatory authority

Establishing bilateral cooperation was the main topic of the first bilateral meeting of the National Atomic Energy Agency with the Slovenian nuclear regulatory authority. Due to the pandemic, the meeting was held remotely.

The participants of the meeting discussed the functioning of the nuclear regulatory systems in Poland and Slovenia. PAA familiarized the Slovenian side with information on preparations for the implementation of the nuclear regulatory tasks under the Polish Nuclear Power Program. During the conversation, the possible scope of cooperation in the area of ​​nuclear safety and radiological protection was discussed, and it was agreed that a bilateral declaration on cooperation between PAA and SNSA would be signed in the first quarter of next year.

The SNSA is the nuclear regulatory authority of Slovenia, which, inter alia, supervises and controls the Krško nuclear power plant with a capacity of 688 MW, in operation since 1981.