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The IAEA First-Ever International Conference on Nuclear Law


More than 900 experts from nearly 130 countries attended the first international conference on nuclear law. This was the first-ever such event hosted by IAEA. The PAA representatives also participated in the conference. The Polish delegation was headed by President Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz.

The participants of the First International Nuclear Law Conference sit in the plenary hall at the IAEA headquarters

The purpose of the 5-day discussions and debates held during the first International Conference on Nuclear Law at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, was to raise awareness of nuclear law.

The conference was attended by the world’s top experts in nuclear law – lawyers, representatives of national authorities, international organisations, nuclear industry and civil society. The PAA lawyers with the PAA President Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz participated in talks about key aspects of nuclear law.

Throughout the week, the participants were discussing trends in the main branches of nuclear law. The topics featured the emerging nuclear technologies (advanced reactors, and small modular reactors – SMR) and the need to adjust legal norms. The experts also attended technical sessions with focus on the emerging nuclear security threats.

The participants focused on social issues and the role of nuclear law in other areas of law. The first-ever International Conference in Nuclear Law was held 25-29 April 2022.