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The National Atomic Energy Agency begins its chairmanship of the ENSREG Working Group on Nuclear Safety and International Cooperation


On March, 5, 2024, the 40th meeting of the Working Group on Nuclear Safety and International Cooperation (WG1), bringing together representatives of national nuclear regulators of the European Union Member States, was held. It was the first meeting that was chaired by the representative of the PAA, director of the Policy and International Cooperation Bureau, Iga Pocztarek-Tofil.

The National Atomic Energy Agency begins its chairmanship of the ENSREG Working Group on Nuclear Safety and International Cooperation

The PAA representative took over the presidency of the WG1 working group at the beginning of 2024. During the meeting, current challenges related to nuclear safety and the group's work plan were discussed. The meeting agenda included, among others: topical peer reviews of nuclear safety in the field of fire protection and aging management, implementation of the action plans to strengthen the safeguards of nuclear facilities against external events, international regulatory reviews of the national nuclear safety framework. The participants discussed also plans related to work on small modular reactors (SMR) in the European Union and plans related to the development of regulations in the area of ​​fusion.

Working Group on Nuclear Safety and International Cooperation (WG1)

WG1 is a group dealing with nuclear safety and international cooperation operating within ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group). The group's work focuses on the exchange of experience in the field of nuclear safety and cooperation between nuclear regulatory authorities from EU Member States, in relation to nuclear power plants and facilities and non-energy-related applications of ionizing radiation. WG1 supports the work of ENSREG.

ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group)

ENSREG is a group of nuclear regulatory authorities from European Union Member States - including the National Atomic Energy Agency. A representative of the European Commission also takes part in the Group's work. The group has advisory powers to the European Commission. The aim of ENSREG is to facilitate cooperation and exchange of information between European Union Member States on issues related to nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. ENSREG also conducts peer reviews of the nuclear safety of nuclear facilities.