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The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency handed over the appointment letters to new nuclear regulatory inspectors


The President and Vice Presidnet of the PAA and Nuclear regulatory inspectors

On January 10, 2022, the PAA President officially handed over the acts of appointment to five new first degree nuclear regulatory inspectors. The inspectors received the appointment letters from the hands of the President, Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz and Vice President Andrzej Głowacki. The management's meeting with the new inspectors was an opportunity to offer congratulations and wishes and discuss the most important challenges that they will face in the future.

Nuclear regulatory inspectors prepare and carry out inspections of organizational units performing activities related to exposure, update the records of organizational units performing the above-mentioned activities and records of radioactive sources. They also prepare draft licenses and other decisions of the PAA President in matters related to nuclear safety and radiological protection.