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The public consultation on the documents related to the 2nd Topical Peer Review (TPR II) of nuclear facilities began


The public consultation period of documents underlying the second Topical Peer Review in the EU and Switzerland will last until 27 May 2022. The current TPR 2 focuses on fire protection and safety. In Poland, TPR 2 will be performed at the MARIA research reactor.

Public consultations on the documents regulating the thematic review of nuclear facilities have started

The key purpose of the TPR 2 is to improve nuclear safety and radiation protection of nuclear facilities. Each country makes a self-assessment in line with the guidelines produced by the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association (WENRA). National reports are subsequently delivered on the basis of the assessment and are then again assessed by the EU experts.

The Schedule

The first phase of TPR 2 will begin in mid-2022 and will last until October 2023. The Polish research reactor Maria at the National Centre of Nuclear Research in Świerk will be subject to the national assessment. Other countries involved in TPR 2 will also review their own nuclear facilities. The next phase of the TPR is the peer review conducted by Member States. This phase will last until mid-2024. Year 2025 will see final work, during which the conclusive arrangements will be made. The final report will be published in the autumn of 2027.

Public consultation

The public consultation on TPR 2 is delivered in the form of on-line questionnaire - LINK. The documents, materials from past meetings dedicated to TPR 2 are available at consultation  period ends on 27 May 2022.

The remarks and opinions from the consultation will be submitted to ENSREG and WENRA for consideration. The final draft documents will be presented for approval to ENSREG in June 2022.

The legal basis for including Poland and other EU countries having nuclear facilities in TPR 2 is Directive 2014/87/EURATOM of 8 July 2014, according to which EU countries perform the TPR every 6 years.