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The shelling of the National Science Centre in Kharkiv. Radiation levels are within limits.


There is no radiological emergency for Poland after the shelling of the National Science Centre in Kharkiv. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) informed about another military attack of the Russian Federation on the nuclear facility at Kharkiv.

Logotype of the National Atomic Energy Agency

On 25 June, the Russian armed forces shelled the National Science Centre in Kharkiv, where the “Source of neutrons” building is situated. In effect of the aggressor’s actions, the ventilation and cooling systems, diesel generators and the building’s walls were damaged. Dosimetric readings showed that radiation levels at the Centre are within limits – the Ukrainian regulatory body has informed.

This is another attack of the Russian Federation on this facility following the invasion on Ukraine. In the aftermath of the previous military actions, the assemblies of the ventilation and cooling systems and the electron accelerators, and the building itself were damaged.

Since the 24th of February, the nuclear installation at the National Science Centre in Kharkiv is in the sub-critical condition (is switched off).

Radiation levels in Poland are within limits

Currently in Poland there is no risk to health and life of the population. The National Atomic Energy Agency monitors radiation levels nationwide 24/7. The most recent measurements are within limits. The current data from the PMS stations are published at