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Training of the PAA’s employees in detection of radioactive materials


On Monday, employees of the National Atomic Energy Agency began a training on the use of the RSI (Radiation Solutions Inc.) system used to detect radioactive materials. The state-of-the-art RSX-1 detectors that are included in this system will become part of the PAA’s equipment.

Training of the PAA’s employees in detection of radioactive materials

The training was conducted by U.S. experts providing support in the detection of radioactive materials for the National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy (NNSA). Representatives of other national institutions – the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Security Agency, the Border Guard, the Police and the State Fire Service, participating jointly with the PAA in the national emergency management system ­– were also invited to participate.

The RSI system will support the PAA in assessing the radiation situation in Poland, in case large-area measurements are needed from ground, air or water levels. The wide application of the RSI system is possible due to its high flexibility for installation in various transfer means. The expansion of the PAA's mobile measurement capabilities will strengthen the continuous monitoring of gamma radiation dose rate carried out in Poland. The permanent monitoring operates 24 hours a day and allows for an ongoing monitoring of the radiation situation in the country and early detection of potential threats on the basis of a network of stations installed in various parts of Poland.

Coordination of the work of stations and measuring facilities is carried out by Radiation Emergency Centre of the National Atomic Energy Agency. A map of the current radiation situation in Poland is available on the PAA’s website:

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