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We are tightening cooperation with the Canadian nuclear regulator - an agreement on small modular reactors


The acting President of the National Atomic Energy Agency and the head of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission signed an agreement extending the existing regulatory cooperation. The signed memorandum concerns joint activities in the field of small modular reactors, such as the BWRX-300.

The agreement on further cooperation between Poland and Canada in the field of nuclear safety was signed by Andrzej Głowacki, acting President of the PAA (right), and Rumina Velshi, Chairwoman of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (left)

The agreement on further cooperation between Poland and Canada in the field of nuclear safety was signed by Andrzej Głowacki, acting President of the PAA, and Rumina Velshi, Chairwoman of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).

The agreement primarily concerns small modular reactors, in particular the BWRX-300. Polish and Canadian supervision authorities will exchange information on best practices and technical reviews in the field of this technology. The parties also agreed to share the results of independent analyzes and assessments conducted as part of the licensing process. The memorandum also provides for joint actions in the above-mentioned areas and in the field of training and development of regulatory solutions to ensure the safety of this technology.

– Today we took the first step enabling joint activities with CNSC in the field of small modular reactors – said Andrzej Głowacki, acting as the President of the PAA, after the signing. – The experience gained in the field of regulatory review will contribute to the optimization of the licensing process and the harmonization of the regulatory approach. This, in turn, will enable more efficient implementation of these technologies in Poland and in the world – added Andrzej Głowacki.

The agreement was signed in Abu Dhabi during the International Atomic Energy Agency conference on Ensuring Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems. PAA and CNSC have been cooperating for nuclear safety for many years. The first agreement in this regard was concluded in 2014.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has been operating since 1946. It oversees nuclear facilities in Canada and the use of ionizing radiation at other facilities. The main goal of the CNSC's activity is the protection of people and the environment.

There are currently three nuclear power plants operating in Canada with a total of nineteen reactors. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission governs all stages of the life of any nuclear power plant in Canada, from the environmental assessment required before the plant is built, to the decommissioning of the facility at end-of-life.

CNSC also implements Canada's international commitments regarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

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