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We invite you to read the first issue of the 'Nuclear safety and radiological protection' newsletter


On the cover of the latest issue of our Bulletin you will find not only the PAA logo, but also the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Różan.

Okładka nr 1 biuletynu. Niebieska grafika z elipsami w odcieniach koloru niebieskiego. Na okładce biały napis - tytuł Bezpieczeństwo Jądrowe i Ochrona Radiologiczna Poniżej logotypy Państwowej Agencji Atomistyki (PAA) oraz Krajowego Składowiska Odpadów Promieniotwórczych (KSOP)

This one-of-a-kind facility in Poland is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year! This round anniversary of the operation of the Repository in Różan is a good opportunity to introduce you to the issues of radioactive waste management. We will devote the next issue of the 'Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection' Bulletin to these issues.

In the current issue, we recommend articles that relate to topics related to the revitalization of the Polish Nuclear Power Program (PPEJ):

•  Nuclear power plants - safety and costs - concerning the two most important safety aspects for the general public of the generation 3/3 + nuclear power plants to be built in Poland. These are not only much smaller threats on their part to the health and life of the population, but also a real chance to reduce electricity prices for households after their introduction to the Polish power system, while achieving climate goals.

•  Probabilistic analysis of the safety of a nuclear power plant for external threats - taking up the issues of safety assessment, presenting some practical aspects of conducting probabilistic safety analyzes of a nuclear power plant in relation to threats caused by external events.

•  Control of suppliers and contractors by nuclear regulatory authorities. Remote control - concerning requirements as well as control and enforcement, indicating the existing legal basis for the control of future suppliers of equipment and equipment and contractors of works on the construction of a nuclear power plant by Polish supervisory authorities. Discussing the practice and methods of conducting such inspections in countries that have had nuclear energy for many years, including remote inspections, using the latest technologies.

•  Sea transport of radioactive materials - dealing with the organization and ensuring the safety of sea transport of radioactive materials, including nuclear materials.

•  Radiation resistance of solid rocket fuel - summarizing the author's previous research on the impact of the so-called cosmic rays to the degradation of some essential components of spacecraft, including rocket fuel.



Bezpieczeństwo Jądrowe i Ochrona Radiologiczna Numer 1/2021
Bezpieczeństwo​_Jądrowe​_i​_Ochrona​_Radiologiczna​_Numer​_1​_2021.pdf 13.20MB