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What is a sievert? Is one sievert a lot or a little? – we invite you to watch a new film (not only) about radiating ionizing

New animation is a next edition of the educational and information activities of the National Atomic Energy Agency. Learn about the essential ionizing agents, check what is effective dose, see the basic principles of radiation protection. Learn more with the PAA.

Ionizing radiation - educational movie

Ionizing radiation is a phenomenon that has always accompanied us. We can distinguish natural sources of this radiation, e.g. the cosmos, but also the earth's crust, or inside of our body. Man is also a source of radionuclides, i.e. radioactive isotopes. Every day we also come into contact with artificial sources of ionizing radiation. It is used e.g. in X-ray apparatus, in medicine, industry or scientific research. For over 40 years, the National Atomic Energy Agency has been supervising the use of ionizing radiation in Poland. The Agency issues permits, but also regularly inspects units that use ionizing radiation in their daily work.

How much radiation do we receive from the ground, how much during X-ray examinations and how much, for example, during a flight from Warsaw to Chicago? What are the types of ionizing radiation and their penetration? Is one sievert a lot and is radiation in any dose harmful? What are the basic principles of radiation protection? We invite you to watch the latest PAA animation, in which we answer these and many other questions about ionizing radiation.


We also encourage you to watch the first animation about ionizing radiation.


Soon, on our website and in social media, we will publish another video in which we will show what characterizes a safe nuclear power plant project - we invite you to follow the PAA portal and our channels on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).