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Bilateral development aid - 2019

In 2019, Poland continued to support Tanzania in priority areas such as hu­man capital, protection of the environ­ment, and entrepreneurship and private sector. In 2019, ten aid projects were completed in Tanzania, including five by Polish non-governmental organiza­tions and five by the Polish Embassy in Dar es Salaam. The completed projects helped to improve the infrastructure of local health and educational facilities, enhance the qualifications of Tanzanian medical, academic and teaching per­sonnel, introduce innovative solutions, and boost the competitiveness of local enterprises and cooperatives. Projects were also implemented to protect the environment, manage water resources and preserve biodiversity. The imple­mented projects focused on involving unprivileged groups, including among others women, children (especially or­phans), youth, and the unemployed, in project activities.

In November 2019, the Polish MFA and the Tanzanian Ministry of Water signed a memorandum of understanding on water management system, safe water supply and wastewater treatment in­cluding energy production in Tanzania. Thanks to implementing the memoran­dum, it will be possible to proceed with joint projects using Polish technologies for water treatment, waste recycling and building energy-efficient homes. In the pilot stage of the project, a conference on sustainable water resources man­agement, attended by Polish experts, was held for the benefit of officials from the Tanzanian water sector.

In 2019, the total ODA for Tanzania was PLN 39,052,289

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Projects 2019

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