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Construction, providing furniture and medical equipment for the first aid medical center in the Thaminbay village, Nahtogyi township

Construction, providing furniture and medical equipment for the first aid medical center in the Thaminbay village, Nahtogyi township
Implementing entity: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Bangkok Amount of co-finansing: PLN 101,739


Nahtogyi is an impoverished township in Mandalay division, with agriculture as the dominant form of employment. The local partner of Polish Embassy in Bang­kok in carrying out this project was the Nahtogyi township office and its branch organisation Shwe Thamin-Poland Med­ical Organization set up for the needs of the project. No other aid organisations are active in the township.

The purpose of the project was to im­prove the medical care of inhabitants of the Thaminbay village. Before the pro­ject was implemented the village, with approximately 2,500 inhabitants, had no outpatient clinic or health centre. Villagers wishing to benefit from med­ical services had to travel to the town­ship seat. Unfortunately, many of them cannot afford such a trip, which more­over might take a long time if the con­ditions are not suitable. In the project, a one-storey building was constructed and basic equipment necessary to op­erate the medical centre was purchased (cabinets, beds, medical devices such as stethoscopes, blood pressure and pulse gauges, glucose meters, syringes, basic medicines etc.). To build the facility, natural and locally available resources such as bamboo were used in addition to bricks. The project's activities also  included training for medical staff. The centre is to be staffed by 1-2 nurses, with a doctor from Nahtogyi coming for consultations at least once per week. The construction works were complet­ed in December 2019, while the medical centre was officially opened during the visit of deputy minister Marcin Przydacz to Myanmar on 16 February 2020. The ceremony was also attended by town­ship authorities and officials from the Myanmar Ministry of Health.



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