Evaluation 2012
In 2012 the evaluation of programmes and projects implemented by Polish development cooperation focused on two areas: SENSE (Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise), a training programme implemented in 2010–2011 and organised for seven countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Tunisia and Ukraine, and a group of projects that in 2009-2011 supported a programme that helped to change Georgia’s state-owned child care institutions into a system of foster family care and led to the creation of innovative institutions resembling family institutions.
The main aim of the evaluation was to assess the impact of development assistance projects financed through the Polish MFA on selected elements of the situation in the country of the beneficiary (including good governance and the development of the social sector). Recommendations were formulated on the basis of collected and analysed information that enabled increasing the impact of Polish development initiatives. The evaluation results can be used by different stakeholders, including those who implement development cooperation to draw up and carry out projects and to cooperate in partner countries.
Evaluation feedback relating to examined areas has shown a positive image of Poland’s development cooperation. At the same time it helped to identify elements that after relatively little adjustment could additionally boost this positive image. In addition, a possible reorientation in planning assistance initiatives in the coming years has been outlined. In particular:
- SENSE has fulfilled its role as an effective assistance tool used to improve the quality of governance. However, due to the specific nature and the progress made by the EaP countries, the countries of this region will be excluded from the programme and will be included to a greater extent than before in initiatives carried out as part of the Eastern Partnership Academy of Public Administration.
- The model of new forms of work with children and the family in childcare institutions that was suggested in Georgia has been accepted and represents a lasting outcome of partnership cooperation. This shows Poland’s potential in this area.
- Both the SENSE programme and projects carried out in Georgia have significantly contributed to building a positive image of Poland, Poles and the Polish foreign aid programme.
Evaluation of the 2010-2011 SENSE programme and projects supporting the development of social welfare institutions in Georgia, implemented in the framework of Poland’s Development Cooperation in 2009-2011Evaluation_2012Executive_SummarySENSE_Gruzja_ENG.pdf 0.26MB