Poland’s development assistance provided through the Polish MFA has been the subject of evaluation since 2012. The legal framework for the evaluation is set out in the Development Cooperation Act of 16 September 2011 (Art. 13.1.10).
Pursuant to its provisions, the objectives of development cooperation as defined in the Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme should become the subject of evaluation.
The MFA’s Department of Development Cooperation (DDC) draws up an annual evaluation plan, which sets out the method applied to the organisation of the evaluation process and the main activities (the scope of evaluation, resource allocation, timetable). This document is later approved by an undersecretary of state for development. It is indicative and may be modified or adjusted to the changing conditions and needs.
The evaluation of programs and projects implemented under Polish development cooperation is based on the standards and principles of development evaluation defined by the OECD Development Cooperation Committee and also the European Commission and the United Nations Evaluation Group.
The evaluation processes are focused on annual development cooperation programmes and projects or groups of projects. Initiatives implemented abroad and at home are analysed. Results of the evaluation are used mainly in decision-making processes, primarily to identify and programme the activities of Poland’s development cooperation in the short-term (annual) and medium-term (multiannual programme) perspectives.
Evaluation is mostly carried out ex post (after a project or a programme is completed). In order to obtain independent, objective and reliable information on development activities the MFA commissions evaluations to external companies selected through a public tender procedure, pursuant to the Public Procurement Act.
Recommendations arising are frequently the source and reason behind changes introduced into the development cooperation system, including development cooperation priorities.
The DDC organises annual stakeholders’ meetings to present the results of evaluation activities. It allows for an open discussion including on feedback mechanisms and on the follow up of recommendations.
All evaluation reports, as well as evaluation plans, are accessible on the MFA website both in Polish and English language version.