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Global education in Poland

Pursuant to article 2(2) of the Development Cooperation Act of 16 September 2011 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 291), global education is a component of development cooperation. Development cooperation is understood as actions undertaken by government agencies with a view to providing assistance to developing countries or their societies.

Article 2(2) In the framework of development cooperation, educational activities shall also be undertaken in order to increase awareness and understanding for global problems and interdependence between countries, hereinafter called “global education”.

Helping poorer countries would not be possible without the support from citizens of richer countries and their awareness of the impact their lifestyle has on human life or the environment in other countries.

In 2010-2011, as part of a cross-sectoral process with the participation of representatives of non-governmental organisations, ministries, universities, educational institutions and local governments, the following definition of global education was developed and adopted to be used in Poland:

Global education is part of civic education and upbringing which broadens their scope by raising awareness of global phenomena and interdependencies. Its main goal is to prepare the public to face challenges that affect all mankind. Interdependencies are understood as interconnections and interpenetration of cultural, environmental, economic, social, political, and technological systems.

The current global challenges include:

•             ensuring peace and security in the world,

•             improving the quality of life in countries of the Global South,

•             protecting human rights,

•             ensuring sustainable development,

•             building economic and social partnerships between countries of the Global North and the Global South.


In global education it is especially important to:

•             explain the causes and consequences of described phenomena,

•             present the perspective of the Global South,

•             understand the world as a complex and dynamically changing system,

•             shape critical thinking and change attitudes,

•             show the influence individuals have on global processes and the impact global processes have on individuals.

The following values form the basis of global education:

• human dignity,

• justice,

• solidarity

• equality,

• peace,

• freedom.

Global education helps to develop the following skills:

• noticing and understanding global interdependencies,

• critical thinking,

• practical application of knowledge,

• informed decision-making,

• cooperation at local, national, and international level.

Global education facilitates shaping the attitude of:

• responsibility,

• respect,

• honesty,

• empathy,

• openness,

• personal involvement,

• readiness for lifelong learning.

Apart from adopting one definition of global education, the representatives set out basic quality criteria that GE initiatives should meet. The pillar of such actions is the impact on shaping attitudes and skills, as well as values that form the basis of global education:

1. Global education should meet the criteria of good education;

2. GE leads to understanding of global processes and interdependencies as well as their complexity;

3. GE recognizes human dignity, equality, respect, honesty, justice, and solidarity as the core values conveyed in all messages and educational materials;

4.  GE avoids images and messages that perpetuate stereotypes, cause a sensation, and amount to discrimination;

5.  GE empowers the recipients of its actions.

On 26 May 2011, the Agreement on supporting the development of global education in Poland was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Education, and Grupa Zagranica1. The signatories undertook to continue the cross-sectoral dialogue on global education, strive to disseminate global education in Poland, including by promoting it in both formal and informal teaching, and to use the common definition of global education. The dialogue is conducted in the form of regular meetings between representatives of government administration and non-governmental organisations engaged in global education initiatives.  

Grupa Zagranica is an association of Polish non-governmental organisations involved in international development cooperation, democracy support, and humanitarian aid.
