MFA’s partners implementing global education
The MFA’s main partners that carry out global education projects financed from the Polish development cooperation funds are non-governmental organisations.
Their webpages dedicated to global education offer ready-to-use lesson plans or programmes of workshops for children and youth, as well as ideas for individual activities in the immediate environment of initiators/teachers. All publications related to Polish Aid projects have the Creative Commons license, thanks to which they can be used and distributed for free.
Inspirational ideas or ready-to-use lesson plans and workshop programmes to be used with children and youth can be found on the websites of the following organisations:
- The Center for Citizenship Education (CCE) (Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej),
- Centre for Education Development (Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji),
- Education for Democracy Foundation (Fundacja Edukacja dla Demokracji),
- The Centre for Ecological Actions “Źródła” (Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych "Źródła"),
- The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe (Fundacja „Krzyżowa” dla Porozumienia Europejskiego),
- Buy Responsibly Foundation (Fundacja Kupuj Odpowiedzialnie),
- Foundation for Christian Culture “Znak” (Fundacja Kultury Chrześcijańskiej Znak),
Grupa Zagranica,