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The most important first step

The most important first step
Foundation of home rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy - "House" in Opole PLN 728,449


The project, implemented together by the Foundation of home rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy - "House" in Opole ant the Camillian Order Rehabilitation Centre contributed to the establishment of a modern day care home for childern with disability with particular attention to childern with severe disability. The purpose of both the trainging provided to Georgian therapist and the renovation of and purchase of specialist equipment for therapeutic rooms was to ensure the high quality of rehabilittion for people with special needs in everyday life. During the three weeks of intership, a group of eight Georgian therapist had the opportunity to observe the work of physiotherapists and occupational therapist in the Opole centre. The experience they obtained would allow them to open a day care centre in Tbilisi. Suggestions provided by Polish specialists during the intership of Georgian personnel in Poland and subsequent training sessions in Georgia resulted in changes the running of the Tbilisi rehabilitation cenre. The wor od the centre was praised by goverment institutions as part of reforms in Georgian healthcare. the centre was one of two facilities to obtain state accreditation. 


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