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National Deterrence and Defence Programme – East Shield


Exactly 80 years ago, Polish soldiers conquered the hill of Monte Cassino. On the anniversary of this heroic battle, Prime Minister Donald Tusk participated in the establishment of the feast of 2nd Polish Corps Command – Land Component Command. Prime Minister argued that the security of Poland can only be ensured by four dimensions, which the government implements: geopolitical security, European air defence, internal security and a secure border. For this purpose alone, the government will allocate an additional sum of PLN 10 billion.

National Deterrence and Defence Programme – East Shield

Remembrance of World War II veterans

Prime Minister paid tribute to veterans who travelled to Italy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino.

‘We remember about you! In our memories and hearts, you’ll always be an example of Polish heroism, steadfastness and courage,’ said the head of government.

Donald Tusk also referred to a recent meeting with veterans at the Prime Minister’s Chancellery. The heroes of Monte Cassino said that they were very proud of their homeland, ‘that it is as it was in their dreams: free, safe and strong’.

Government objective: security

The head of government quoted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, with whom he had a telephone conversation on Thursday.

- A few dozen hours ago, during a long conversation, he said something very significant for us: ‘We, Ukrainians, dream that at least in part Ukraine would one day be as safe as your homeland, Poland,’ Donald Tusk said.

 He assured that Poland was and would continue to be safe.

‘It’s a sacred and most important thing that we can say today, together with Polish soldiers, loudly and honestly that Poland is safer and stronger than ever before in the modern history,’ the prime minister stressed.

Four pillars of security

The government is currently implementing four dimensions to make Polish citizens feel safe.

  1. Geopolitical security

It means the permanent embedding of Poland in the Western community.

‘This is what the nations beyond Poland’s eastern border are fighting for today. And it is no coincidence that the West is the object of aggression today. We call this hybrid war, but it increasingly resembles a real war,’ assessed Donald Tusk.

That's why it’s important that Poland performs well its leadership role in the West.

‘In my conversations with European and world leaders I hear every day: “You, Poles, are the leader”’ said the head of government. ‘The shape of Europe depends on the shape of Poland. Europe will be safe if Poland is strong and secure. And that’s why it’s our task, together with others, to protect the community of the West,’ he explained.

  1. Internal security

Prime minister announced that he’ll report next week on actions that target the authors of provocations, as well as acts of sabotage and diversion in Poland.

‘Polish state acts effectively: we counteract, detain and arrest those who try to attack Poland. We’ll be absolutely ruthless towards them,’ assured the head of government. ‘Poland will be a resilient state and will be absolutely merciless against all those who want to destabilise the situation in our country,’ he added.

  1. Safe sky over Poland

Poland will participate in the construction of European air defence, the so-called European shield. That’s why the government decided to build a satellite component that will be part of the shield that will provide security for the entire continent.

‘It won't just serve t depict what’s happening on the ground. It won’t be yet another element of safety in space, because, after all the wars of the future will also take place in this space above us. It’ll also be part of this big project that we have to coordinate together with other partners, that is, this safe shield, protecting the whole continent, but first and foremost our country,’ said the head of government.

Donald Tusk announced that Poland would receive a special loan from the European Investment Bank for this purpose.

  1. Secure border

The head of government took the decision to invest PLN 10 billion in a secure eastern border.

‘We’re embarking on a major project to build a secure border, including a system of fortifications as well as relief difficulties, agreed with environmental decisions, that will make this border impassable for a potential enemy. We’ve already mobilised this 10 billion zlotys. This work have already started. We’ll make the Polish border secure in peacetime and impassable for the enemy in wartime,’ says the prime minister.  

This National Defence and Deterrence Plan was codenamed East Shield.

‘We do this to deter the enemy. So that all those who wish Poland ill, all those who plan an attack, an aggression against our allies or against our country, hear here today, from the Kraków Main Market Square: stay away from Poland! Poland is strong, Poland will be safe thanks to its own actions and thanks to its own allies,’ emphasised Donald Tusk.

An oath regarding the border security

‘This is the right time for us to make an oath to the homeland: Polish Republic will be for all of us, for our children and grandchildren a safe home,’ assured the prime minister.

With these words, Prime Minister Donald Tusk referred to the oath taken 230 years ago on the Kraków’s Main Market Square by Tadeusz Kościuszko.

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