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Information about accessibility for people with disabilites

Information about the accessibility of the Chancellery for people with disabilites

Building accessibility


You can get to the Prime Minister's Office by public transport. Get off at the stops: Łazienki Królewskie, Plac Na Rozdrożu, Trasa Łazienkowska or Metro Politechnika.

How far is the Chancellery from the stops?

  • The Łazienki Królewskie stop is 450m away from the Chancellery.
  • The Plac Na Rozdrożu stop is 550 metres from the Chancellery.
  • The Trasa Łazienkowska stop is 600 metres from the Chancellery.
  • The 1st metro line – the Politechnika station - is 850 m from the Chancellery.

Entrances to the Chancellery

  • The main entrance - Aleje Ujazdowskie 1/3 - is adapted for people with disabilities.
  • The entrance to the Pass Office - Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3 - is not adapted to the needs of people with physical disabilities.
  • The entrance to the Registry Office - Al. Szucha 14 - is not adapted to the needs of people with physical disabilities and people who are blind or have low vision.


The Chancellery premises are located in a closed area protected by the State Protection Service (SOP). If you plan to visit the Office, please inform us in advance. You may do so by telephone or e-mail. SOP employees are often the first to help people with disabilities enter the building. SOP staff control all persons who enter the Chancellery premises. They will ask you to show proof of identity and check that you are not carrying any dangerous items.

Accessible parking spaces

When you make an appointment at the Chancellery and wish to use a parking space for a disabled person, please notify us.

The parking space is located in the Chancellery’s internal car park.

Accessibility of the Chancellery for people with motor disabilities

How to enter the building?

You can get to the Office through the main entrance - Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3. There is a ramp for wheelchairs at the entrance. On the wall, to the left of the main entrance, there is a button which you can use to call a person who will help you enter the building.

Get assistance from the Office employee

If you notify us before your visit that you need assistance, a member of our staff will meet you at the entrance. He or she will help you move around the building. You will meet at the Pass Office or main entrance (if you are in a wheelchair). If you have an appointment, our staff will escort you to the meeting point.

The building has facilities for people who have mobility impairments.

  1. The main entrance door - a wheelchair can easily pass through it; the door is not automatically operated, but there is always someone inside to help open it.
  2. In front of the stairs to the main hall, on the right-hand side, there is a lift equipped with a handrail.
  3. In the main hall, on the right-hand side, there is a cloakroom.
  4. Wide corridors allow wheelchair users to pass freely.
  5. Lifts equipped with railings and mirrors are adjusted to transport persons with movement disabilities.
  6. There is a ramp for wheelchairs in the canteen.
  7. On the Chancellery premises, there are toilets for persons with motor disabilities and persons in wheelchairs:
    1. on the ground floor in Wing A, to the left and right of the main entrance,
    2. on the second floor in Wing B.
  8. Conference rooms are accessible for wheelchair users.

Accessibility of the Chancellery for people who are deaf or hearing impaired

How to contact us?

Indicate a person who is at least 16 years old.

  1. To use this service, submit the form - by email or post. Submit it in at least one working day before the visit.
    The person you indicate does not need to have proof of knowledge of Polish Sign Language (PJM) or Sign Language System (SJM).
  2. Use the service of an interpreter (PJM, SJM). The service is free.
    To use this service, submit the form by email or post. Submit it at least three working days before your visit.

Are you seeking access to public information or archives? Find out how to apply.

Access to public information:

  1. Fill in a form to declare a foster person. You can also request for an interpreter’s service.
  2. Email the public information request and the form to:

Archive materials of the Council of Ministers:

  1. Fill in the form to declare a foster person. You can also request for an interpreter’s service.
  2. Fill in the form for access to the archives.
  3. Send an email with the request for access to the archives and the form to:

How to make a complaint or request?

  1. Fill in the form and specify that you need the assistance of a friend or interpreter.
  2. Send an email with your complaint or request and the form to the Department of Civil Affairs:

Information on processing of personal data (download the file).

Induction loops operate in our office. You can find them in:

  1. the Pass Office A, the building at Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
  2. the Registry Office, building at 14 Szucha Avenue.

The Chancellery also has one mobile induction loop (the so-called "cabinet loop"). It may be used during direct meetings with a hearing-impaired person.

Accessibility of the Office for visually impaired persons

Accessibility of the Chancellery for people who are blind or partially-sighted

Entrance to the Chancellery

You can enter the building with:

  1. an assistance dog,
  2. a guide dog,
  3. an assistance person.

Get our assistance

You may also use the assistance of the Office employee who will accompany you. Our employee will meet you at the entrance and help you move around the building.

Facilities in the Chancellery building

The lifts in the building are equipped with the following facilities:

  1. the buttons in the lifts are marked in Braille,
  2. the lift near the canteen has an audible system that will inform you of the floor number.

Please note, there is no signage in large-format print in the building.
