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Bolstering cybersecurity and combating disinformation - Prime Minister meets the vice chair and president of Microsoft


The meeting of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's meeting with Brad Smith, Vice Chair and President of Microsoft focused on security and cybersecurity. The government has its eyes on projects focused on combating disinformation and new technological projects. Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Brad Smith also discussed Microsoft's role in supporting Ukraine during cyberattacks. Microsoft also committed its support for the development of the Polish AI Valley.

Bolstering cybersecurity and combating disinformation - Prime Minister meets the vice chair and president of Microsoft

Cybersecurity and combating disinformation

In the face of growing geopolitical threats, bolstering cybersecurity of Polish institutions and citizens is paramount. Poland remains vulnerable to disinformation attacks, which is why we have to be vigilant and continue monitoring our cyberspace.

“In our talks with Microsoft, we discussed the know-how and the technical means, as well as political determination to prevent Russia from influencing elections and other democratic processes in the United States, Europe and in Poland,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk said. “We also talked about using this know-how to prevent Russian influence on our security. We are not only talking about cyberspace, but also about aviation, public systems, as well as disinformation,” he added.

Last week, the website of the Polish Press Agency (PAP) was attacked by hackers, which resulted in two fake press releases being published on the agency's website. The authorities immediately moved to find those responsible for the attack. Incidents such as these demonstrate that a we need to strengthen our efforts to increase resilience in cyberspace more than ever. 

“In the case of the attack on the Polish Press Agency, we saw a typical disinformation attack designed to destabilise the political situation in the country,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk pointed out.

The government is working with the public and private sectors to bolster cybersecurity, especially in connection with the upcoming European Parliament elections. The Safe Elections project is an initiative of the NASK Institute, which joined forces with other organisations to enable a better response to potential threats. 

Artificial intelligence to support cybersecurity

The vast majority of artificial intelligence models face issues with the intricacies of the Polish language. This is why we are working on the creation of the Polish Large Language Universal Model, an innovation on an unprecedented scale, combining data sources, competences, technical resources, as well as know-how of academic and public entities to support academia and the economy.  

The collaboration with Microsoft on AI projects will strengthen our potential in the area of new technologies. 

A billion-dollar investment in Poland

Microsoft has had a Polish branch since 1992. Today, the company remains one of the key global providers of cloud services, big data and artificial intelligence solutions. The investment in Poland covers upskilling programmes for IT professionals as well as teachers, students and ordinary citizens. 

Microsoft drives technological innovation and economic growth in Poland. To date, the company invested a billion dollars to develop its data centres in our country. These efforts will accelerate innovation and digital transformation in Poland.  

Security discussions

The meeting with the President of Microsoft was not the first such meeting with the leaders of global IT giants. On 22 May, Prime Minister Donald Tusk discussed cybersecurity and combating disinformation with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google.

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