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Family picnic in Tychy: Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the future of Poland and Polish families


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met with families at a picnic. It was an opportunity to talk about the future of Poland and the further actions of the Polish government. Social policy based on solidarity, but also support for investment and increased security - these are the pillars of the government's credibility. The government's flagship Family 500+ programme will become Family 800+ from January 2024. The monthly benefit will be increased to PLN 800 for each child. We are adjusting the amount of support to the current needs of Polish families.

Prime Minister during the Family 800 plus picnic in Tychy.

Family picnics are an important time for Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. It is the best opportunity to talk face-to-face with citizens about their needs and the delivered promises. For the government, the safety and well-being of Polish families is a priority, which is why we are not slowing down and implementing further announced projects. The introduction of new programmes would not be possible without tightening the national budget.

Social solidarity and sustainable national development

The mark of successful government policy is that it reaches as many Polish women and men as possible. We estimate that nearly 6.7 million children will benefit from the Family 800+ programme in 2024. At the same time, our investment programmes, which increase the quality and comfort of life of the residents, reach every corner of Poland. Today, everyone can use roads, schools hospitals, nursery schools and day care centres that have received government funding.

- Thanks to the new nursery schools and day care centres the women who wanted to were able to go to work and continue their professional careers. A real social policy and infrastructure for children serve that purpose - said the Prime Minister.

It is also an effective fight against unemployment. Today, we have the highest number of working people in Poland's history - over 17 million. The head of the government reminded that over 2 million people were unemployed only 8-9 years ago. It is also work on junk contracts, on contracts for PLN 4-5 per hour and millions of people on emigration.

- Just have a look at the Statistics Poland data. Our children are coming back from emigration. For the first time in the history of Poland. This is also a coincidence. It is a conscious government policy - concluded the Prime Minister.

Supporting Polish families

The ‘’Family 500+’’ programme was introduced in 2016. As of July 2019, the benefit is available to every child up to the age of 18 - with no income criterion. If a child started receiving ‘’500+’’ in 2016, it received a total of PLN 43,500 by June 2023. In 2024, we will allocate PLN 9,600 for each child. This is a revolution in the state's social policy. We have shown that we keep our word and care for Polish families. The level of spending on family policy puts Poland at the forefront of European countries. The ‘’Family 500+’’ programme is not the only form of support that our government has offered to Polish families. The implemented solutions include also:

Family Care Capital, a benefit for parents of children aged between 12 and 35 months. Parents receive a total of PLN 12,000 for the second and each subsequent child. The benefit is available regardless of family income. To date, more than 220,000 children have benefited from it.

The Mother 4+ programme, under which we provide a pension for parents who have raised at least four children and were not entitled to a pension. To date, almost PLN 2 billion has been paid out for that purpose, covering more than 70,000 people by the support.

The Good Start programme, under which additional one-time support of PLN 300 is allocated for each pupil at the beginning of each school year. In total, almost PLN 7 billion has been paid to approximately 4.6 million children since the beginning of the programme

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