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Jan Grabiec

Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers, Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister

Jan Grabiec

Jan Grabiec

He was born on November 2, 1972 in Legionowo. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublin and ATK in Warsaw. In the last years of his studies, he worked as a teacher of philosophy, ethics and religion in high schools in Warsaw and Legionowo.

In 1996, he became a Master of Philosophy with a specialization in ethics, defending his master's thesis on the socio-political thought of Stefan Kisielewski.

He began his scientific work as an assistant at the newly established Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. At the institute, he participated in research projects on the political transformation in Poland, the concept of a social market economy and the process of European integration.

In 1998, he became the youngest councilor of the Legionowo City Council, during his term of office he became the chairman of the education committee and then the chairman of the city council.

Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, 8th, 9th and 10th term.