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Join us for a parade to celebrate Armed Forces Day - see the state-of-the-art equipment of our modernised army


As early as 15 August 2023, a grand parade of the Polish Army will take place on Warsaw's Wisłostrada route. To mark the anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw and, at the same time, Armed Forces Day, we will present the latest equipment with which we are equipping the Polish Armed Forces. The parade will feature as many as 200 units of military equipment and 92 aircraft, assisted by 2,000 soldiers. Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński stressed that this parade will be special because it will showcase the modernisation of our military, which we are implementing to ensure the security of our Homeland.

Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński and the Minister of National Defense during a conference at the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade in Wesoła.

Armed Forces Day - tradition and historic victory of the Polish soldier

In August 1920, the Polish army defeated the Russian invaders in the Battle of Warsaw. This historic victory over the Bolshevik army successfully protected the independence of our Homeland, and also defended Europe against the communist Red Army. On the Armed Forces Day, we pay tribute to the determination of the Polish soldier to defend our country, as well as to the commanders who hold the well-being of Poland at heart. Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński pointed out that today we are living in similar times, where a strong army is a guarantor of the country's further development.

We are dynamically developing the Polish military - state-of-the-art equipment will appear at the parade

Since 2015, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland have expanded thanks to numerous decisions and investments in defence. The Homeland Defence Act is the basis for the expansion of our defence potential. We are reconstituting military units that were previously disbanded, increasing the personnel strength of our armed forces, and acquiring state-of-the-art equipment.

“Today, we are already able to show that this process of expansion and modernisation is ongoing, that it is not just a promise. It is something that can be shown, something that every Polish citizen can watch. We strongly encourage our citizens, our fellow countrymen, to attend the parade, to want to watch it. It will truly be very interesting," invited all Poles Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński.

The parade in Warsaw will feature, among others, the latest Abrams and K2 tanks, as well as Krabs and HIMARS. Soldiers from all branches of the Polish Armed Forces will march along the Wisłostrada route and modern military aircraft will be seen in the sky.

Investments in security - a guarantee of our country's development and citizens' well-being

Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński emphasised that the armed forces are a guarantee for our country's ability to develop. Over the past years, we have been making up for significant historical losses that caused us to lag behind Europe in many aspects for many years. Today, we are a country on a European level, and indicators show that our dynamic development has improved the quality of life for all Polish women and men. This is precisely why efforts in defence development are so important – today we are on the right path and we must be prepared to defend it.

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