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New ministers officially sworn in. Security to remain top priority


On 13 May 2024, President Andrzej Duda approved changes in the Council of Ministers at the request of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, appointing new ministers: Tomasz Siemoniak - Minister of the Interior and Administration, Hanna Wróblewska - Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Jakub Jaworowski - Minister of State Assets and Krzysztof Paszyk - Minister of Development and Technology. During the ceremony at the Presidential Palace, Donald Tusk assured that security would remain the top priority for the new government. He also expressed his gratitude towards the departing minister for “laying the groundwork for building a new and normal reality”.

Donald Tusk

New ministers officially sworn-in

New ministers in Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government were sworn in at the Presidential Palace. President Andrzej Duda took the oath of the new ministers.  

The new ministers are: 

  • Tomasz Siemoniak - Minister of the Interior and Administration; 
  • Hanna Wróblewska - Minister of Culture and National Heritage; 
  • Jakub Jaworowski - Minister of State Assets; 
  • Krzysztof Paszyk - Minister of Development and Technology. 

 “Every day and every hour, we will work together willing to further the cause of security and to get rid of the clear and present evil. I would like to promise all of you that just like the ministers who are leaving the government, the entire Council of Ministers, along with its new members, will stop at nothing to ensure the security of Poland and to build a safe home for all,” said Donald Tusk during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace. 

Earlier, on 10 May 2024, the Prime Minister accepted the resignations of four Ministers who will be running for a seat in the European Parliament, and appointed their replacements. After being sworn in, the new Ministers officially took over and assumed their posts.

Poland's security remains paramount

During the ceremony, Prime Minister Donald Tusk pointed out that external and internal security would be a priority for his government. 

During a visit to Podlasie on Saturday, 11 May 2024, the Prime Minister met the commanders, soldiers and officers of the Border Guard, the Police and the Polish Army.

“One major issue that needs to be addressed concerns helping those who defend our homeland against various threats on a daily basis. The key issue is putting up a barrier that will effectively protect Poland from irregular migration and from the threat of an armed conflict. 'After this visit, after long talks with generals and commanders, I have no doubts whatsoever that it will take a great deal of money, a lot of effort and many ideas on how to invest these resources to ensure that the security of our border ceases to be a propaganda tool, and becomes reality thanks to the tremendous effort of the people responsible for our security,” Donald Tusk said.

The Prime Minister also pointed out that the issue of Poland’s internal security will be a great challenge for the Minister of the Interior and Administration. 

“We are still shocked after the revelations concerning the Russian and Belarusian influence among top Polish officials. The case of a judge, who decided to betray Poland and actively helped with dismantling the Polish legal system made us all aware how much work needs to be done in this area as well,” Mr. Tusk stated.  

Tomasz Siemoniak will have a dual responsibility in the government, combining the posts of the Minister of the Interior and Administration and the Coordinator for Intelligence Services. 

Summing up previous ministers’ efforts

The Prime Minister accepted the resignations of four ministers seeking to run for seats in the upcoming European Parliament elections. The list includes: 

  • Marcin Kierwiński - Minister of the Interior and Administration; 
  • Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz - Minister of Culture and National Heritage; 
  • Borys Budka - Minister of State Assets; 
  • Krzysztof Hetman - Minister of Development and Technology. 

Donald Tusk underscored the difficulties faced by ministers who took over their respective ministries after eight years of the previous government.  

“When I look at the ministers who are resigning today, I want to point out that they have shouldered the responsibility during the most difficult time. These five months were a time of cleaning up and laying the foundations for building a new, normal reality,” the Prime Minister said. 

Donald Tusk thanked the resigning Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz for doing everything in his power to ensure the freedom of public media. 

“I hope that I do not need to convince anybody how important it was to restore the public media and to shift their focus back on their public mission. This task was entrusted to Minister Sienkiewicz. I believe that nothing confirms the effectiveness of his efforts better than the fact that throughout these five months, the public media have been criticising him, as well as me,” Mr. Tusk added. 

During the ceremony at the Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister also bid farewell to Marcin Kierwiński, former Minister of the Interior and Administration, who “restored the long-awaited sense of normalcy”. 

“When Minister Marcin Kierwiński decided that the time of impunity was coming to an end, he started enforcing laws, regardless of the political affiliation of the perpetrators, who broke the law. Poland will definitely remember this act of courage, which is likely seen by many as something absolutely expected and normal,” he said.  

The former Minister of State Assets Borys Budka received words of gratitude for dealing with the situation in state-owned companies. 

“After only a couple of weeks, Minister Budka simply stated that it was not a job for the Minister of State Assets, but rather for some kind of a superior prosecutor, who would bring the situation in State Treasury companies to order. Fortunately, Borys Budka is also a lawyer, which enabled him to lay the groundwork for restoring order in State Treasury companies and properly assessing the events of the last several years,” the Prime Minister noted. 

Mr. Tusk also thanked the former Minister of Development and Technology, Krzysztof Hetman.

“As we are facing many challenges today, it was necessary to prepare bureaus, institutions, workflows and processes for allocating the European funds unlocked by my government to development and growth. . . . I am deeply convinced that in a matter of months we are all going to see what spending these funds wisely actually means for Poland,” Donald Tusk assured.

The restoration of the rule of law and effective action is bearing fruit. Poland has recently received the largest single transfer in the history of its membership in the European Union, totalling 27 billion PLN. In total, Poland is slated to receive €137 billion, or about 600 billion PLN.

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