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Poland with state-of-the-art military technology. We will sell 100 Rosomaks to Ukraine


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited the Rosomak S.A. plant in Siemianowice Śląskie. During his visit, he spoke of the difficult times we are facing. Ukraine has been fighting for over a year for its freedom, but also for ours – the freedom of Poland and the entire European Union. Security and military development are crucial. We are allocating record funds for armaments – up to 4% of GDP. Poland has factories producing military equipment that is modern and meets the highest standards. The head of government has announced that we will sell 100 of our Rosomak combat vehicles to Ukraine.

Premier w zakładach Rosomak S.A.

Rosomaks for Ukraine

The Rosomak S.A. plant specialises mainly in the production of the “Rosomak” Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers. Their production is based on the latest technology.

“We Poles also have two excellent military products. These are the Rosomaks and the Krabs,” emphasised Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Poland will sell 100 Rosomaks to Ukraine.

“Today, here from Siemianowice Śląskie, I can say that we received another purchase order. I am bringing the purchase order that I have received yesterday from the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, for 100 Rosomaks which will be manufactured here. Note that these Rosomaks will be paid for precisely with European money, obtained by us, but also with American money, obtained by Ukraine,” said the head of government.

Development of the arms industry

We are investing in our arms industry, in Polish factories. We are winning new orders from European countries, but also from other continents. We are negotiating with, among others, Slovenia and Saudi Arabia. We are going to develop production capacity at Polish armament plants.

“We have a huge production potential, new jobs, increasing wages, strengthening Polish industry – this is our goal,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Record defence spending

In the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the world has come to understand that war is not a historical phenomenon or something that is happening in distant countries. It can occur at any time and in any place. We know that the Polish army must be modernised and armed.

This year, the Polish budget for this purpose is at a record high. We are allocating up to 4% of GDP to the development of the Polish army.

“Rosomaks, like Krabs, are our national asset. They are our brand: the national brand of the Polish arms industry. We are proud of them and we are investing in them. We are increasingly investing in arms production,” stressed the Prime Minister.

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