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Prime Minister at the Labour Congress: “Our current social policy is a consensus between the worlds of labour, employees and trade unions”


Justice, fairness, solidarity – these three words were the life creed of the late President Lech Kaczyński. He based his colourful life on these three axioms and was faithful to them from the beginning until the end. “With these three words as foundation, we can create a strong, prosperous Poland,” said Prime Minister Morawiecki. These words, once spoken by the late Lech Kaczyński, have been inscribed on a commemorative plaque. At the Labour Congress, the Head of the Government emphasised that the Government’s goal is to build an integrated economic and social world.


Unveiling of a commemorative plaque in tribute to the late President Lech Kaczyński

The late Lech Kaczyński, Doctor Habilitatus of Law specialised in labour law, always cared about the truth and the working class. For this reason, the entirety of the planned unveiling of the plaque in tribute to the late President Lech kaczyński took place during inauguration of the Labour Congress on its 30th anniversary.
“The fight for the dignity of the working world was carried on by people like Lech Kaczyński and continues to be carried on by the people whom I see today at the ceremony of unveiling of the plaque commemorating that event,” reminded Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

30th anniversary of the Labour Congress

The Congress comprised two days of conferences and meetings under the slogan “Man-Labour-Growth”. Panel discussions were attended by representatives of the working class, scientists, churchmen, politicians and local government officials.
During his speech, the Prime Minister emphasised that the Government’s current social policy is a consensus between the world of labour, the world of employees and the world of trade unions.

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