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Prime Minister Donald Tusk at Cabinet Council: security must be elevated to a national priority


A meeting of the Cabinet Council was held at the Presidential Palace. Representatives of the government discussed with the President the implementation of strategic investments, such as the Central Communication Port, nuclear energy issues and modernization of the Polish army. The Prime Minister also presented a document testifying to the purchase and use of the Pegasus system.

2024.02.13 Warszawa | Posiedzenie Rady Gabinetowej. Fot: Krystian Maj/KPRM

Security, as the cornerstone for the endeavors of the Polish authorities

Regardless of our differences of opinion, no matter our origins, and despite any disagreements we may have on various matters, the imperative of security must rise to the status of a national priority, uniting all in Poland without exception – emphasized the Prime Minister.

The head of government also highlighted a recent disconcerting statement by former US President Donald Trump regarding NATO countries' inadequate allocation of funds for defense. Prime Minister Donald Tusk observed that there is an intensive discussion surrounding the issue in all NATO and European Union capitals.

Until now, I have never been so convinced that the situation at our borders, as well as in Europe, is so serious – argued Donald Tusk.

Legal and illegal use of the Pegasus system

I have instructed the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General to provide a comprehensive set of documents confirming, unequivocally, the purchase and both legal and illegal use of Pegasus. The roster of individuals affected by these practices is extensive – conveyed the head of government.

The Prime Minister further revealed that he possesses a document verifying the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau's request to the Justice Fund for financing the acquisition of the Pegasus system.

This document in my possession unfortunately confirms our worst fears: that the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau initiated the request for funding to purchase Pegasus from the Justice Fund, as confirmed by Minister Ziobro. (...) I personally consider this matter resolved – the question of whether it was purchased, who procured it, and its usage – stated Donald Tusk.

The Prime Minister assured that he was prepared to furnish a comprehensive set of documents regarding this issue.

Doubts surrounding the construction of so-called small modular reactors

Prime Minister Donald Tusk has provided information regarding the Internal Security Agency's negative assessment of Orlen Synthos Green Energy.  This company is responsible for executing the investment project involving the so-called SMR (Small Modular Reactor).

I have managed to ascertain the basis for this negative assessment from our specialized services. (...) The services have consistently highlighted that the establishment of the company, aimed at carrying out a highly ambitious program involving small reactors, was structured to the detriment of the interests of the Polish state – announced the head of government.

Despite these doubts, the Minister of Climate and Environment, within the two-week-old government of then-Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, opted to proceed with the project.

In all probability, the minister was appointed to this government specifically to see through certain decisions, disregarding the objections of the ABW and CBA – stated the Prime Minister, affirming his readiness to furnish the President with comprehensive information on this issue as well.

PLN 2.7 billion for the Central Communication Port

The Prime Minister outlined various expenditures associated with the construction of the Central Communication Port (CPK):

  • the company employs 750 people – PLN 286 million was spent on their salaries,
  • external consulting - PLN 10 million,
  • compensation for the management board - PLN 11 million,
  • promotion, lobbying and PR around CPK - PLN 27 million,
  • maintenance of the office and IT services - PLN 112 million,
  • the rail programme is an expenditure of 0.5 billion zlotys, although not even a kilometer of track has been built, and there are no construction permits, except for the tunnel under Łódź, which has not begun to be dug,
  • the airport programme is 708 million zlotys, although the design of the airport terminal, including the station, is not yet ready, and there is no construction permit or location decision issued.

The CPK represents an investment projected to reach a minimum of PLN 155 billion. However, all the expert analyses conducted thus far cast serious doubt on the feasibility of the entire investment. (...) My colleagues and I have reiterated numerous times our commitment to the development of communication infrastructure, aviation, and railroads. Nevertheless, given the colossal amount of funds involved and the paramount issue of security, we advocate for the prudent, judicious, and efficient expenditure of public resources – declared the head of government.

The Prime Minister also revealed his intention to propose amendments to the law concerning the Central Transportation Port, aiming to transfer responsibility for the project to the Ministry of Infrastructure. He requested the President's cooperation in this endeavor.

You, Mr. President, can rely on the complete cooperation of the entire government, including on the matter of CPK – concluded the Prime Minister.

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