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Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki: Ukraine proves it is truly independent


On the 31st anniversary of Ukraine's declaration of independence, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recalled that Poland was the first country to recognize this fact. In a special recording, the head of the Polish government wished Ukrainian soldiers to celebrate in their homes and with their families next year, after they are victorious in the war against the Russian invaders.


Poland as an ally and friend of Ukraine

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki quoted from the Ukraine's Declaration of Independence and noted that in the face of mortal danger, it is proving that it is truly independent. “Independence is more than declarations. Above all, it is the ability to defend one's homeland in a moment of trial,” he stressed.

“In this difficult time for Ukraine, I look with admiration at your struggle, and we are proud to call ourselves your allies and friends” - said head of the Polish government. “We know that you are fighting not only in your name. You are protecting yourself, your families, but you are also protecting Poland and Europe,” he added.

Poland and Ukraine to guard the heritage of European civilization

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki assured that Poland is with Ukraine for better or for worse. “We support you in every possible way - through supplies, works in international forums and, above all, by providing shelter to Ukrainian women and children who have fled the war,” he noted.

As the head of government stressed, Poland and Ukraine stand together to safeguard the heritage of European civilization. “We believe that no empire or power can destroy free people and that it is free people who build states, not the other way around,” he added.

Independence Day of Ukraine

Ukrainian Independence Day is a Ukrainian public holiday celebrated on the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR on 24 August 1991. This year marks the 31st anniversary of the country's exit from the Soviet Union. 
