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Prime Minister Matusz Morawiecki: the Polish Deal is a new Polish innovation


The government believes in innovative solutions for the economy. With this in mind, the Polish Deal programme will support Polish technologies that will create the industries of tomorrow. It also means creating conditions for the development of clean environment, better quality of life, and more well-paid jobs for Poles.

Premier zwiedza fabrykę.

”We believe in innovative industry. Nowadays, the combination of services and products is the economy of tomorrow,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during his visit to Ekoenergetyka-Polska S.A in Nowy Kisielin. “This company is a prime example of Polish technologies – supported by Polish development institutions – forming a certain ecosystem, which also covers e.g. hydrogen technologies and the needs of customers,” he explained.

Poles must earn more

As stressed by the head of government, the Polish Deal is aimed to make Poles who left Poland come back to their homeland. “Recent years show that you can escape from the so-called middle income trap,” pointed out the Prime Minister, adding that “this means that Poles must earn more, because the number of qualified workers is increasing”.
”The Polish Deal is a new Polish innovation. I am glad that there are more and more examples of Polish companies that become successful in Poland and across the globe,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Ekoenergetyka-Polska S.A.

The company was established in 2009 and deals with the development of infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. It provides its solutions for both manufacturers of electric cars and buses and operators of charging networks and points. It is also an active member of many trade organisations.
