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Prime Minister on the Clean Air programme: I am grateful for how green Poland is becoming


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited the home of a Polish family that is a beneficiary of the Clean Air programme. As of 15 July, a new version of the programme – Clean Air Plus – will be launched. Citizens can receive up to a 90% subsidy, that is up to PLN 79,000, for the thermal modernisation of their homes or replacement of outdated heating boilers. The application process will be even easier. Together, we can take care of the environment and clean air throughout Poland.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during a meeting with the hosts of the house that provides thermal modernization in Boronów

Clean Air Programme

In 2018, we launched the Clean Air Programme. We support Polish families who want to replace outdated boilers with more modern heat sources.

“All such programmes are here for you. We are simplifying them in order to make it a little smoother to get through the difficult season ahead. Subsidies can reach up to PLN 79,000, depending on the size of the investment, depending on the level of income," said the head of the Polish government.

As of 15 July  2022, a new programme called Clean Air Plus will be launched. Single-family homeowners who apply for subsidies to replace an old furnace - the so-called "kopciuch" - and insulate their homes will receive pre-financing. The money will be paid out before the renovation begins. Poles will receive up to 50 per cent of the maximum possible subsidy amount in advance. Up to 90 per cent subsidy of up to PLN 79,000 can be obtained for this purpose. Check out the details at

Benefits and savings

Participation in the programme means caring for the environment and clean air. Replacement of heating boilers and thermal modernisation of homes saves energy, which means that Poles will save more money.

2,065 municipalities are already supporting their residents in terms of information about the programme, filling out applications, or counseling. About 83 per cent of local governments have joined the programme.

“Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, when, as everyone knows, energy prices are raging, including thermal energy prices, it is worth taking advantage of various programmes,” emphasised Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.  “And here we have a two-in-one situation, as ecological means economic, i.e. we have the aspect of what is good for the environment, because thermal modernisation and the use of all related measures reduce emissions of harmful dust up to 95 per cent of CO2 emissions. And the cost of thermal energy, which is the crucial aspect for Poles, as it will enable a reduction in the cost of bills of up to 50 per cent, or even up to 70 per cent,” he added.

Would you like to take advantage of the programme?

We encourage residents of all municipalities in Poland to take advantage of the programme. It is easy to get a subsidy to replace your stove and insulate your home. All you need to do is:

  • fill out an application and submit it to the regional fund for environmental protection and water management in your region,
  • attach a contract with the work contractor.

“Dear citizens, take advantage of this programme. Try to insulate your homes as much as possible before this heating season. Subsidies can cover up to 90 per cent of the costs, depending on your income level, and this is all refinanced very quickly. We are allocating billions more to this programme because it is better to insulate a building and install a heat pump," said the head of the Polish government. “It is a very fast process - I strongly encourage everyone to do it,” he added.

Together, we can improve the quality of air in our little  homelands!

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